what color shoe to wear with navy blue dress
There are many different colors that match navy blue, but the most popular choice is cream. This results in an elegant yet simple look when coupled with a nice dress or pant suit. Typically, black shoes are not recommended for this color scheme because they contrast too much and have a more formal appearance. In some cases, it may be appropriate to wear silver or buckle brown shoes with navy blue, but usually one of the two shades would need to be worn more prominently so that it will stand out from the other. Image source: https://pinterest.com/ The perfect shoe color for you will depend on your own wardrobe and personal preferences. For example, if you have a lot of orange or white accents, you may want to avoid any shoes that are in the same color range. Also, if your dress or suit has a lot of different colors on it, you would need to avoid matching it all with your shoes. In choosing the right shoe color for your navy blue dress, you will want to find one that is...